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Now we're getting started...

Now that I've ticked off multiple excuses, the time has come to actually start writing something.

I'm attempting to write and record 12 tracks in 6 months, whilst learning how to use all this new equipment, so I would think the process well evolve as I go.

The first song I'm planning to work on is one I actually wrote the main parts to about 6 years ago now - I'm sneaking this in under a technicality that it hasn't been written fully yet. The reason I'm starting with this is to give myself a break whilst I'm getting used to the recording process.

I think I know how this one will sound with the basic parts, my thoughts are that by the time I get to writing/recording track 12 the whole process would have taken a different direction. I'll probably be in a world of drum and bass by then or at the very least deep south skiffle.

My description of my song writing will be more detailed when I get into writing from scratch for this one I can tell you how I got to where I am now.

Here goes nothing x

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